In celebration of International women's day 2025

We sat down with Martina Brimmer, the founder behind Swift Industries - a leader who's creating space for women and femmes in cycling's traditionally male-dominated landscape. 

Martina: I've been thinking a lot about time, history, and change these days. Personally, I'm more keenly aware than ever that today is history in the making and I'm thinking long and hard about how to make mine a legacy of opening doors and holding them open for women and femmes. Especially in this moment when doors that have been open, are clearly being closed and locked for women all around the world.

'You do belong here, and your ideas and vision will shape your corner of cycling in profound ways. Keep going.'

What gives you the strength to continue everyday?

Martina: Three things.

  • Bikes have been a powerful tool for agency, independence, community and sustainability in my life and I show up on the daily to keep spreading that stoke.
  • It's getting better, but I still don't see my female, queer and bipoc peers represented in the cycling and outdoor spaces in the ways and volume I know we should be. I want to help move that needle. 
  • I'm determined to make an undeniable impact as a female business owner in a dramatically male dominated business landscape. I want to hold open doors. 

What are your aspirations for Swift?

Martina: My dream is to keep building a counter-culture brand that represents and celebrates the communities I feel at home in, and that remains highly regarded for the exceptional quality and excellent designs of our products. I hope that our laid back & welcoming nature will invite and inspire people to experience the delight and joy of bicycles. I want to look back on my time building Swift from the ground-up knowing that I was true to myself, and that I helped change the face of an industry that's looooong overdue for some evolution. 

What has been the most rewarding part of being a woman-run business?

Martina: Working with other femmes and allies to build a business ecosystem that reflects who we are and how we want to come to the table. At and through Swift, we're working to create empowering spaces for women and femmes in historically male dominated positions in the comfort and safety of our solidarity. It's remarkable to be pushed, and supported in a work space where you don't have to wonder if you were treated differently because of your gender presentation.

Most of the decision makers in the room, from a banker, to a buyer, or an investor, are still men. I want to see women and femmes and queers holding more power throughout the institution's of business. I think it would feel like a more productive, and level playing field for me as I talk to people about what drives me and how our company will affect change. 

What are you most proud of? What is one thing you would do differently?

Martina: I'm most proud of facing business obstacles that scare the living crap out of me and looking them in the eye with reflection, sincerity and creativity and then moving to solve them one step at a time. 

I wish I had started building a community of business peers much earlier in my journey. I love collaboration, am enriched by feedback, and totally thrive in spaces that are interested in building culture. Seeking that from a like-minded business community in the last year has been beyond empowering.

Tell us your favourite Swift Product?

Martina: You're asking me to choose my favorite child?! UNFAIR. But, since you asked: the Sugarloaf Basket Bag is 1000% my personal favorite. It encapsulates alt-bike culture perfectly. It is purpose built to integrate with a bicycle basket but that NEVER interferes with how it looks and works off-bike. I've never met a bicycle bag that's easier to access while it's attached to the basket. I love everything about it!

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Want to hear more about Swift Industries? Read their story here.

Want to hear more about Marina? More Interviews by our friend, Bike Gear Database here.